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The intercultural workshops of Brama Theatre are a place to meet and get to know each other. People from every part of the world, who live and work in our region, meet every week in our theatre with an enthusiasm and desire to create. The purpose of the workshops is for participants to learn about new cultures and become familiar with theatre arts.

The workshop focuses on the liberation of expressive media (body, movement, speech, voice) and explores places of artistic freedom, creative research, play, discovery of the “other” and ourselves. The aim is to cultivate teamwork, respect and expressiveness through games that activate the imagination and the body as well as improvisation. The conductors, acting according to the needs of the group, guide the members to create stories arising from themes that concern them. Engaging in different stories, representing
images that set no limits to the imagination, discovering other roles and characters through body and mind exercises, collaboration and freedom, provide fertile ground for each member's uniqueness to be expressed.

Intercultural Group Workshop


One week in the woods

Transnational Meeting in Goleniów

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