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TTB Teatro tascabile di Bergamo – Accademia delle Forme Sceniche was founded by Renzo Vescovi and a group of young actors in 1973 following the path of the laboratory-theaters of the second half of 20th century in Europe and of group theaters, whose work is characterized by the constant, complex interaction among all its members in a way that it resembles the ancient Renaissance craftsmen's workshops.

Today It consists of 14 people from five different generations.


Its two names, Teatro tascabile di Bergamo and Accademia delle Forme Sceniche, reflect TTB's double nature: the performances on one side, the pedagogy and the rigorous research on the art of the actor and its multiple techniques on the other.

Since 1996 it has been based in Monastero del Carmine, where it carries out its activity developing the investigation around contemporary research theater and the actor's dramaturgy , to theater in open spaces, to oriental dance theater.


In 2023 TTB has accomplished 50 years of activity that can be summarized as follows: it has created 32 performances participating in the most important national and international festivals in 45 countries of 4 different continents; it has produced about eighty productions by or with other companies; it has promoted the participation of more than 250 groups and artists from 40 countries in Italy. It has organized the international festival named: Sonavan... le vie dintorno - International theater music and dance festival (25 editions); Il Teatro Vivo - Project for the promotion and dissemination of contemporary theater (18 editions); Arcate d'Arte. Consonanze di teatro, cultura e arte, festival dedicated to the cloister in the Monastery of Carmine, (5 editions). Il Mantello di Arlecchino - Theatre and participatory art project for Bergamo neighborhoods (2022-2023)

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